Saturday we had a casual jam session at Annie's, there were just 5 of us students over there, and we arrived at 1 PM, and after eating Chip's real lemon pie that he baked, we had the most incredible jam session, we did solo flute playing, duets, trios and even foursomes.
It felt so wonderfully creative, Annie had the fireplace burning, and we all had a total blast.
Not sure when we left, but it was still light, so not that late, it's really getting dark early, and our weather has turned very windy and very cold. Strange how fast it flipped from great to ugly.
Lary made turkey tacos that night, Overnight 10 golf carts were stolen from our park, though some were recovered nearly right away, it made me feel very uncomfortable to know that people can come in and just sweep through and steal stuff, we have gates, but they just cut the locks. That makes 12 carts in all stolen so far, very creepy indeed.
Sunday was overcast, windy again and very chilly. We even put on our new electric heater in the living room, as we aren't sure if the heat pump is dependable or not, it hasn't been on for 5 or more years. We need to get it serviced before using it.
We pretty much stayed home, except this afternoon we had ice cream over at Catalina Spa and stayed for the music jam session. But Lary and I tried a duet, and it was disgusting in my opinion, very disappointing. I started out completely klutzy, and it bombed. For our 2nd appearance Lary did his own thing, I didn't go up and accompany him.
Then we went over to Dillon Roadhouse for a pig roast, but it was a bit of a bust too, only niblet corn, baked beans and pork. Oh well, we didn't pay a fortune, but a bit of a disappointment.
Spent later Sunday evening doing laundry, luckily the 5 machines were all free, so I used 3 of them. They are high efficiency machines and it's only $1 per load, so that is great. I emptied the hamper of everything dirty.
Wind still blowing outside, I'm heading to bed now, it's very late (or early Monday AM.)