Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Hot Suuny Sunday in Indio

I should be outside working, getting the trailer ready to move tomorrow morning but the temp is approaching 80F with not a cloud in site. I'll wait for a bit to pack up.

Friday night I went to the club house to see a young lady singer, Sarah Getto. She has been blind since birth and taught herself to play piano and fiddle. Lovely voice and quite a good entertainer as well. Saturday I went to the Street Fair at College of the Desert. I hadn't planned on going but another errand took me just a block away so decided to go. Got some new bungy cords and spent an hour or so just wandering around. Saturday evening was another entertainer at the club house, The Casual Cowboy. He seems to be getting pretty close to his best before date but it was still an hour and a half out of the trailer.

Got up early thus morning and did a laundry. Another lady came in about 7:15 and took the other two washers and at 7:30 a couple arrived and complained that they wanted to use all four machines at the same time even though the sign cleary states only two machines at a time. They seemed to blame us because we got up early and got the machines before them. Some people!!

For those familiar with this area, the highways dept has just granted contracts to expand the interchanges at I 10 and Gene Autry and I 10 and Ramon/Bob Hope. Work to start in February this year and carry on for two years. We regularly use both those interchanges so we will be dealing with some pretty gross traffic problems for a while.

That's about all for now. TTFN

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