Thursday, February 11, 2010

An afternoon at Motor Vehicles in Palm Springs

Well yesterday we took the registration of our new park model over to Motor Vehicles in Palm Springs, you get in a big long lineup, a person looks at what you have to get done, and gives you a number. Then you take a chair (at least) and start waiting for your number to be called.

For us it was about 2 hours, but we got it transferred over into our names, and paid for it, so now the certificate will arrive in Canada, with the park model in our names.

We put our address down here, but our mailing address in Canada, also.

Then in May it is due to have its license renewed, oddly it has a license plate, and we buy the decal for it every year, and stick the decal on. The plate is just inside the park model, not on the outside.

Sure is different from what we are used to, but that's how they do it down here.

We plan to buy a bigger bed as it only has a double at the moment. Other than that it is furnished, with a ton of built in cupboards, so we can just move right in. It should be very nice for us not to have to pull the trailer back and forth each season. We are looking forward to that.

But for the rest of this season we will mostly be in the trailer, or off on our trip to Costa Rica in March.

Heard from the Nelson friends that they will be here just before C.R., and will come on the trip, and then spend a couple more weeks here in the park, in one of the rental park model trailers here.

And my sisters are coming down for a couple of weeks, one alone in our trailer while we go to C.R., and the second in a rental trailer here in our park, so we can visit and do some things together.

Should be fun and I am really looking forward to that. Lary is coming to that, too.

That's it for today's news. There is a pot luck dinner at the Coachella Valley Flute Circle on Friday night, and a big name flute player will perform for us, how exciting to be so close to him when he is playing. He is the main performer at one of the huge flute festivals later this spring or fall.

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