Sunday, February 28, 2010

Veg day in Indio at Indian Waters

Today Lary went over to the clubhouse and got us breakfast, cinnamon bun and a burrito each.
Then I went back to bed as I'm feeling a bit poorly with a cough and sinus thing.

Later we went out and hit a bead sale at a hotel in Palm Desert, the man was from Kennewick, WA and had some lovely beads though I didn't buy much. We both bought silver rings so we could leave our good jewelry here while we go to Costa Rica.

Lary made a delicious pepper stir fry for dinner, mix of yellow, green, and red peppers, then he stirred in some thawed cooked shrimp, in a sauce, and served it over rice. We were trying to watch the Olympic coverage, but KMIR TV station here has very choppy reception, you can hardly hear what is being said, and it keeps cutting out completely, not sure why it's so bad down here at the eastern end of the valley. We don't have cable TV here, either. Very frustrating.

Then we watched a Harry Potter movie, think it was the 5th one, pretty violent. Neither of us have read any of the books, so we are enjoying the movies on TV.

Can't get onto Tengo Internet here in Indian Waters at all during the day, even with the antenna, so I hit it after midnight. And it works just fine, perhaps no competition for the air waves or whatever.

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