Saturday, December 4, 2010

Monthly flute circle and Saturday stuff

We had the trailer washed yesterday by Nathan, and he also did the windows outside. He did a pretty good job, too. After that we had lots of water everywhere on our concrete pad, so glad we had covered up the outdoor furniture, especially our 2 upholstered chairs.

I washed some of our white vinyl fencing, so it looks cleaner. It's kind of overcast today and not that warm.

Lary got groceries in DHS, and when it was time to cook dinner we had run out of propane in our big house tank. It's a 40 pounder I think. Oops we think they might be 100 pounders. So the spaghetti got boiled on the side burner of the barbeque, and the sauce and meatballs heated up in our aged microwave. Interesting, it's marked 1984 and is still going though I don't like it much, it seems to be a combination one, but we have no book. Still it does the job more or less. We'd like to change it, it's an under the cupboard mounted one, and contains the light above the stove, and a venting fan too. Sal and Russ said they have seen them in places for sale, so that's good, we don't want to sacrifice our smallish counter space for a microwave.

The monthly Coachella Valley Flute Circle met at 7 PM at Annie's house last night, Friday, and now it is no potluck, just pure music. But oh my what music it is indeed. One fellow Al does throat singing, also called harmonic something, and another girl Lesley does something like that too. I am now getting a bit more used to asking the other participants in the circle to play along with me, it's very supportive feeling, and adds such another broader and warmer dimension to your playing. There was a new fellow we hadn't met there, and I think he was Greg. He played Annie's deeper flutes, and really enjoyed them.

There were lots of duets, one of the most spectacular was Annie and Sharon playing 2 ceramic flutes together, it was such magic. Lots of duet playing, and lots of asking for group participation too. Shakers, rattles, Annie's big 2 sided drum, other drums such as djembes, and lots of rattles made out of gourds, some of them covered with shells in a mesh, other gourds just as shakers. It is fascinating. I always feel as if I am flying when I leave Annie's. The music kind of stopped at 9 PM which was the arrangement made, and we pay $10 donation per person to defray Annie's costs.

Lary bought a new C flute made by Al, and an over the shoulder carrying case for it, and I bought a fleece backpack bag for my new drum to keep it out of the light, some percussion sticks, and a small sweet D for Diana flute, blue in color, clay glazed, and made by Nash. It is lovely.

We had a few short hours in bed then got up at 2:45 AM for our first shift on patrol around the park, it was very interesting, we had a radio and a large plug in light, and we had a 3 - 5 AM shift. Changed corners every 20 minutes, and drove slowly from one corner to the diagonally opposite corner, looking for trouble. We didn't find any, and interestingly the time kind of flew by.

At 5 AM we dropped back into bed for the other half of our night's sleep. As we were leaving the park to go to Annie's house we spotted a wee owl sitting on the black driveway, he might have been the pygmy owl that Lary is carving, we're not sure. But he lit on a couple of places before leaving for his night of hunting. Charming to see him in the dark night.