Forgot to say that 3 of us 4 won money at the slots at Agua Caliente casino on Lary's birthday which was really nice. Not a windfall, just a nice amount to cover dinner.
Lary managed to update our Garmin GPS, I had bought a lifetime update for it, for $89, and Lary got it to work and download new stuff. Tuesday we had soup at the clubhouse at lunch.
We went into Palm Springs and got tickets for the Palm Springs Film Festival, it starts on Jan 6th or so, and runs til we leave on our cruise. We bought 6 tix for $54 per person, then we need to choose our films and change the tix for the actual film viewing.
One morning Lary got up and the computer screen was the black 'death screen' only, but a computer guy Brian at Catalina told us to remove the battery, and then put it in again, and voila, that did the trick. It was very scary thinking that our 1 year old computer was dying already.
Lary ordered a wood burning kit over the internet, it arrived but had no pens or nibs, so he then had to order them from another place. That was a bit frustrating for him.
We had ordered 2 Roland Micro cube amplifiers over the internet too, and they arrived. Our mini mikes which you can attach to your flute have been sent, but haven't yet arrived. They are coming from another place, so we can terrorize the RV park. Kidding!!!
Weds. Lary went off to carve, he is at the woodburning stage, and Dave is now carving an owl too. They are tiny, only about 4 or 5 inches high. Lary's is coming right along. But after carving all day from 10 AM til 4 PM or so, he is tired.
Di and Wendy headed out for some more retail therapy, we hit Kohls, Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, and the French restaurant for lunch. After that we headed home to meet our hubbies, and had a drink at Wendy and Dave's trailer. Di had done quite a bit of damage with after Christmas sales and the like.
That night there was a Bluegrass music pair from Oliver BC entertaining at CatSpa, and we watched them. He played a banjo he had built, and also played a fiddle. She played the guitar, and they both sang. They were entertaining.
Thursday was coffee, donuts and the usual business meeting at the clubhouse, felt as if we had just been at the last one.
We are very impressed with the food that is offered here at our park clubhouse, this month there have been 2 Saturday dinners and dances, plus Christmas turkeys and gravy were cooked for the owners on Christmas Day, who only had to supply the rest of the potluck type Christmas dinner for their own table at the clubhouse, and now there is to be a prime rib dinner for 100 folks or so on New Year's eve, for $25 per person. Plus a band and dancing afterwards.
And every second week there is soup on Tuesdays at lunch, and the alternate week is burgers. That is huge. And hugely generous of the folks doing it all, largely the 3 Savage brothers and their wives, along with volunteers.
Today Lary and I indulged in some more retail therapy, and also shopped for a new dining room overhead light, which we found at Home Depot. Lary will install that soon, the one we have is ghastly. We are slowly eating through our leftovers from Christmas Day.