Today Friday Lary removed the old microwave, an over the range type. It gave a big fight, so it was taken out in pieces. It is from 1984, and was failing for sure. It had a very unattractive dead spider inside the glass of the door. ick!!!!! We didn't have the instructions on how to run it either, and weren't sure that it didn't leak as it was so old. Time it went to the garbage dump, so off it went after a noble fight with Lary.
Then we went over to Sears and bought a new one, it will be installed Tuesday by them. Later we called a blinds company that was recommended to us, and they will come for a consult on Tuesday also, and we may even have the new blinds by New Year or slightly after that time. What service on both items. Apparently they take away the drapes and sheers at the same time that they install the new stuff.
Wednesday Lary carved and Judy R and I went shopping, Costco, Walmart and then Westfield Mall. That night we did security patrol from 1 AM to 3 AM, and then got up at 8:30 for coffee, donuts and the usual business meeting at the clubhouse. Later we went to Annie's for our final flute lesson, and stayed for pecan pie and coffee later. It's magic our time with Annie.
After that we had Dave and Wendy S over for dinner and a long catchup, it was super, and we arranged to go out for Di's birthday on Sunday, and have them over for Christmas dinner here at home. We will have New Year's eve up at the clubhouse, 3 brothers and their families make a prime rib dinner and serve it. That should be fun, we don't do enough here at the park, as we have been having friends visit, and doing things with them outside of the park. Dave and Wendy had been away in New Zealand for the whole month of November with Rotary.
Thanks for reading our blog, but don't forget to write us personal emails too, we miss you all so much, especially at Christmas.