Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday beading in the afternoon

Only news today is that I went over to the arts and crafts room, and made another necklace. It's turquoise chips, coral unglazed squares, and silver. I made it a bit longer than the usual, and it's very southwestern. And I made black and red crystal earrings to go with the necklace I made a while ago.

The ladies are inspirational, they are making pretty fine beaded bracelets of Swarovski crystal and fireline, a kind of fishline. But they aren't my style, so I do my own thing, and enjoy the conversation that burbles all around me. Some ladies only come for the conversation.

Later tonight Lary and I went over to the hot tub for a short soak, we haven't been in since we arrived here due to the chilly temps, but it seems to be warming up into the 70s by Thursday, hooray. Warm weather over the weekend should be good for the Rodeo attendance, it starts this weekend.

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