Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pancakes today for Shrove Tuesday-yesterday

Went over to a neighbouring RV Park, Voyager, on the other side of I-10 at the end of Kolb Road. They had a crafts sale and it was a super one, very big, about 50 vendors or so, very nice quality things. I bought silver earrings and a dichroic glass pendant that is irridescent blue and green, on a leather cord. I had wanted such a pendant for ages but they are very expensive normally.

Came home, had a quick bite and then I went to the beading group, and made kind of a lariat to go around my neck and hold a nametag, instead of pinning it on my top, where the pin makes a hole. I haven't tried it as yet, but made it mostly with the composite "turquoise" rough beads I have, and some coral and small seed beads in a coral colour. It looks kind of like a necklace in reverse as I put the big beads behind my neck, and the finer ones toward the bottom of each wire, so that I can attach the nametag near the bottom. It's about 32" or so.

Lary was in the pool and sunbathing there, so I got on my suit and went over there to cool down, floated around talking to a lady who is renting here in the park, and another lady Ann who is from Manitoba.

Then we went out to IHOP and had pancakes as yesterday was Shrove Tuesday. I had blueberry ones and Lary had pecan caramel ones with granola in them. Yum yum.

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